Central Georgia Technical College

AWS & Docker Essentials Bundle

Course Name

AWS & Docker Essentials Bundle

Contact Hours: 36 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

Utilize the Docker & AWS platforms in your web services projects! This program will get you up to speed on leveraging the AWS and Docker platforms. Learn you all you need to know about Storage, S3, CloudFront, networking, software deployment, DevOps, and so much more!

Get started with this AWS & Docker Essentials Bundle and you’ll become proficient in cloud computing as well as how to incorporate Docker into your AWS tasks.

Knowledge and expertise in AWS could be very valuable for your career. Jobs requiring these skill sets pay higher than most of the jobs posted on public job boards within the US, with salaries for professionals as high as $100,000.

Docker dramatically changed (for the better) the lives of those who transfer, install and manage software applications on a regular basis. It made the process much less complicated and virtually eliminated any stress involved.

With this bundle of courses, you will learn how to containerize your application, automate it from start to finish, including Amazon ECS, and so much more.

Please note: Course of study may be completed earlier than indicated.


Upon successful completion of this course bundle, students will understand the many aspects of working with Amazon Web Services, including storage, networking, monitoring, and DevOps. Additionally, students will have a firm grasp on using Docker, both separately and in conjunction with, Amazon Web Services.


There are no assessments in this self-directed course of study.


Courses Included:

  • AWS Masterclass: DevOps with AWS Command Line Interface
  • AWS Masterclass: Storage, S3 & CloudFront
  • AWS Masterclass: Networking & Virtual Private Cloud
  • AWS Masterclass: Monitoring & DevOps with AWS CloudWatch
  • Scaling Docker on AWS
  • Docker for DevOps From Development to Production
  • Docker Compose in Depth
  • Introduction to Docker


All training is delivered online and via downloadable project files. No additional purchase required.