Central Georgia Technical College

Fitness & Exercise Training Series

Course Name

Fitness & Exercise Training Series

Contact Hours: 25 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

Interested in becoming a personal fitness trainer, exercise consultant or an overall fitness professional? You came to the right place! We have all the training tools you will need to reach your goal. This course is designed by a team of experts who understand the importance and growing need of trained professionals in the personal training industry.

The following courses are included in the program:

  • Aerobic Bootcamp
  • How to Become a Personal Trainer
  • Yoga
  • Juicing and Blending

Aerobic Bootcamp
Aerobics boot camps are often based on the military style of training, although that has started changing over the last few years. An advantage of a boot camp is that the large group dynamic will often help motivate the participants. A growing trend in fitness boot camps have emerged. Take advantage of the course which teaches you all levels of Aerobics Bootcamp. There are many other benefits of a fitness boot camp, which includes mental health. It has long been known that regular aerobic exercise can help to reduce high blood pressure, hypertension and combat stress. Part of this is due to the release of endorphins, which act as a mood elevator.

How to Become a Personal Trainer
Interested in becoming a personal fitness trainer, exercise consultant or an overall fitness professional? You came to the right place! We have all the training tools you will need to reach your goal. This course is designed by a team of experts who understand the importance and growing need of trained professionals in the personal training industry. You will cover all the basics on how to become a personal trainer and an industry specific Q&A.

Many people think of yoga as a gentle activity—and some styles are—but to reap yoga’s many benefits, the exercise has to be practiced correctly. Yoga has a reputation for making muscles more flexible, which it does, but lots of poses are also good for strengthening and toning muscles because they require students to hold up or balance their own body weight with their arms and/or legs. One of the first steps learned in yoga is how to properly contract deep abdominals, building plenty of strength and stability around the abdominal walls. The key to promoting the sense of inner peace associated with yoga are the breathing practices. Through yoga, students develop a better awareness of bodily sensations—for example, recognizing when their breathing is calm and focused versus forced and choppy—and also an awareness of what is going on within themselves. This online series covers Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Yoga techniques.

Juicing and Blending
Dr. Lisa Marsh is a renowned Chiropractor and Comprehensive Wellness Practitioner. Since 1996, Dr. Lisa has been treating patients using natural medicine, nutrients and holistic treatments for years. She realized that her life’s goal was helping patients with more than neck or back pain. An important component in her thriving practice is to help people with the proper food choices. Nutrition is a big key to health! This online training program teaches you about valuable vitamins and minerals. You will learn the health benefits for various fruits and vegetables. You`ll also be given step by step downloadable recipes of how to produce delicious juices that will help you achieve your specific wellness goal! With all of the valuable data in this course, your body will appreciate your decision to learn more about juicing! Join the thousands who are amazed at how quickly you will start feeling lighter, your thoughts clearer and have more energy than you could possibly imagine. Whether your motivation is detoxification, fighting disease, weight loss, more energy or just a healthier life style, this class will get you on track in with a new way of thinking about juicing for your health! Our goal is to help you reach your ultimate health and wellness goals, naturally!

Please note: Course of study may be completed earlier than indicated.


Upon successful completion, students will have many of the tools necessary to become a personal fitness trainer, exercise consultant, or an overall fitness professional.


Visual Demonstrations & Multimedia Presentations - Our courseware includes instructor-led demonstrations and visual presentations that allow students to develop their skills based on real world scenarios explained by the instructor. We always focus on real world scenarios and skill-set development.

Quizzes & Exam Simulators - The custom practice exams prepare you for your exams differently and more effectively than the traditional exam preps on the market. You will have practice quizzes after each module to ensure you are confident on the topic you have completed before proceeding. This will allow you to gauge your effectiveness before moving to the next module in your course. These courses also include practice exams designed to replicate and mirror the environment in the testing center. These exams are on average 100 questions to ensure you are 100% prepared before taking your certification exam.


Aerobic Bootcamp

Module 1: Beginner
1.1 Beginner

Module 2: Intermediate
2.1 Intermediate

Module 3: Advanced
3.1 Advanced

How to Become a Personal Trainer

1.1 Intro
1.2 Requirements
1.3 Skills For A Successful Personal Trainer
1.4 Questions To Consider
1.5 Certifications
1.6 Job Opportunities
1.7 Salary For Personal Trainer
1.8 First Aid And CPR
1.9 Time Needed To Become A Personal Trainer
1.10 Know Your Clients
1.11 Interesting And Fun
1.12 Common Mistakes
1.13 Retaining Your Clients
1.14 Insurance
1.15 Summary


Module 1: Beginner
1.1 Beginner

Module 2: Intermediate
2.1 Intermediate

Module 3: Advanced
3.1 Advanced

Juicing and Blending

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Nutritional Values
1.3 Blending Vs Juicing
1.4 SkinnyShake
1.5 Basic Green Drink
1.6 Cucumber Melon Weight Loss Smoothie
1.7 Coconut Kale Green Smoothie
1.8 Chocolate Covered Cherry Smoothie
1.9 Mango Basil Smoothie
1.10 Joannes Green Smoothie
1.11 Carrot Kicker
1.12 Mixed Veggie


All training is delivered online; no additional purchase required.