Central Georgia Technical College

Manufacturing Statistics Personal Training Library

Course Name

Manufacturing Statistics Personal Training Library

Contact Hours: 24 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

The Manufacturing Statistics Library gives one learner access to our four core statistics courses: Basic SPC Training (basic SPC course), Advanced SPC, DOE: Screening Experiments, and Measurement Systems Analysis.

Basic SPC Training is a basic yet comprehensive course that makes understanding and applying statistical process control concepts easy. Basic statistics used to analyze patterns of variations, the use of control charts, and measures of measures of process capability are covered in the course. (3 Units; 3 Assessments; Approximately 6 hours of training.)

The Advanced SPC course will help you develop a comprehensive understanding of advanced statistical process control techniques. Training topics include selecting and setting up SPC control charts, determining the best control charts formats to use for a given process, what different patterns of instability tell you about a process, a step-by-step tutorial for conducting process capability studies following QS-9000/AIAG guidelines, how to deal with process capability complications, and how to use z-tables. (2 Units; 2 Assessments; Approximately 6 hours of training.)

The DOE: Screening Experiments course provides an overview of the full family of experimental designs but focuses on Screening Experiments, arguably the most important in the family of Design of Experiments (DOE) for improving quality and productivity levels in manufacturing processes. You will learn how to set-up and conduct Screening Experiments using techniques developed by Placket-Burman and Taguchi. DOE worksheets and step-by-step DOE instructions will guide you through the process. If your company is implementing a six sigma (6S) or lean manufacturing initiative, you know how important it is to optimize your manufacturing processes with DOE. This Design of Experiments training course will give you the tools you need to get the most from this powerful statistical quality improvement technique. (3 Units; 3 Assessments; Approximately 8 hours of training.)

The Measurement System Analysis (MSA) course includes detailed tutorials on many measurement system analysis techniques including how to conduct and analyze GR&R (Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility) Studies. A GR&R is the accepted techniques for evaluating the level of variation in a measurement system and determining if the measurement system is acceptable for use. Measurement System Analysis covers techniques for analyzing the variation within a measurement system, determining its suitability for use, and ways to improve measurement systems. The GR&R analysis techniques used in MSA are in compliance with QS-9000/AIAG methods. Once a measurement system is found to be acceptable, it is equally important to institute a formal system to manage the measurement system to ensure that it continues to be reliable and dependable. MSA explores approaches to managing measurement systems to ensure that they can be depended upon. (2 Units; Assessments; Approximately 7 hours of training.)


Students will gain a working knowledge of statistical tools and techniques used to improve quality and productivity in manufacturing applications including:

  • Understand how to use basic statistics to analyze patterns of variations.
  • Learn how to use control charts.
  • Understand the measures of process capability.
  • Learn how to set-up control charts and respond to out-of-control conditions.
  • Understand how to conduct and analyze process capability studies.
  • Discover how to design and conduct screening experiments on processes and analyze the results to determine how to improve process performance.
  • Learn how to conduct GR&Rs and analyze results of the studies.


  • Each of the four courses is self-contained with exercises throughout that are self-assessment "quizzes."
  • Each of the four courses has End-of-Unit automated and self-scoring exams (called Challenges) that evaluate student progress, comprehension, and provide constructive feedback on areas of deficiency.
  • Evaluation of student performance for each course will be based upon the following criteria: Final exams = 100% of course grade.
  • Courses must be completed within 3 months of the assigned date.


Manufacturing Statistics Library

The Manufacturing Statistics Library gives one learner access to our four core statistics courses: SPC Workout (basic SPC course), Advanced SPC, DOE: Screening Experiments, and Measurement Systems Analysis.

Basic SPC Training is a basic yet comprehensive course that makes understanding and applying statistical process control concepts easy. Basic statistics used to analyze patterns of variations, the use of control charts, and measures of measures of process capability are covered in the course. (3 Units; 3 Assessments; Approximately 6 hours of training.)Contents include:

  • Unit 1 - Statistics Primer
  • Unit 2 - Using Control Charts
  • Unit 3 - Process Capability Basics

The Advanced SPC course will help you develop a comprehensive understanding of advanced statistical process control techniques. Training topics include selecting and setting up SPC control charts, determining the best control charts formats to use for a given process, what different patterns of instability tell you about a process, a step-by-step tutorial for conducting process capability studies following QS-9000/AIAG guidelines, how to deal with process capability complications, and how to use z-tables. (2 Units; 2 Assessments; Approximately 6 hours of training.) Contents include:

  • Unit 1 - Advanced Control Charting
  • Unit 2 - Advanced Process Capability

The Measurement System Analysis (MSA) course includes detailed tutorials on many measurement system analysis techniques including how to conduct and analyze GR&R (Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility) Studies. A GR&R is the accepted techniques for evaluating the level of variation in a measurement system and determining if the measurement system is acceptable for use. Measurement System Analysis covers techniques for analyzing the variation within a measurement system, determining its suitability for use, and ways to improve measurement systems. The GR&R analysis techniques used in MSA are in compliance with QS-9000/AIAG methods. Once a measurement system is found to be acceptable, it is equally important to institute a formal system to manage the measurement system to ensure that it continues to be reliable and dependable. MSA explores approaches to managing measurement systems to ensure that they can be depended upon. (2 Units; Assessments; Approximately 7 hours of training.) Contents include:

  • Unit 1 - Analyzing Measurement System Variation
  • Unit 2 - Managing Measurement Systems

The DOE: Screening Experiments