Central Georgia Technical College

ESL-Based Technical Writing

Course Name

ESL-Based Technical Writing

Contact Hours: 10 (an estimated time frame devoted to a course of study from start to finish that can vary from student to student)

Course Description

In this program, students study problems that give technical writers coming from other languages the most difficulty: articles (a, an, the), prepositions, phrasal verb (for example, turn on the light vs. turn the light on), verb tenses, and word order. Each of these units is complete with online readings and multiple online exercises for practice. This course also includes online units on technical style; namely, numbers vs words, symbols, abbreviations & acronyms, capitalization, and quotation marks (the American English version of these). And finally, the course includes online units on technical page design, including headings, lists, and notices. These modules include online readings and practice units.

Please note: Course of study may be completed earlier than indicated.


Upon successful completion, ESL students will have mastered difficult issues in English such as articles, prepositions, phrasal verbs, verb tense, and word order.

Students will also have grasped the following:

Technical Style Issues

  • numbers vs words
  • symbols vs words
  • abbreviations and acronyms
  • quotation marks
  • capitalization

Technical Page Design Issues
  • headings
  • vertical lists
  • notices (cautions, warnings, etc.).


This course of study does not include any tests. It contains online readings and practice exercises. Students will be able to use the practice exercises as long as necessary throughout the duration of the program and more exercises can be developed as needed.



Difficult Elements of English:

  1. articles
  2. prepositions
  3. phrasal verbs
  4. verb tenses
  5. word order

Elements of Technical Writing Style:
  1. numbers vs words
  2. symbols vs words
  3. abbreviations and acronyms
  4. quotation marks
  5. capitalization

Elements of Technical Page Design:
  1. headings
  2. vertical lists
  3. notices (cautions, warnings, etc.)


All training is delivered online; no additional purchase required.